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The Stephan Perren AO Trauma Research Traveling Fellowship for Middle East and Northern Africa Researchers 2024

The Stephan Perren AO Trauma Research Traveling Fellowship is intended to give two enthusiastic Middle East and Northern African researchers with specific interest in trauma care the opportunity to visit the AO Research Institute Davos (ARI) in Davos, Switzerland, for two weeks (27 May – 10 June 2024), plus an additional two weeks (30 September – 13 October 2024) at one of the following participating research centers:

  • Julius Wolff Institute for Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Regeneration Berlin Institute of Health and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
  • University Hospital of Zurich, Department of Trauma, Zurich, Switzerland
  • University of Leeds, Academic Department of Trauma, Leeds, United Kingdom

Aim and Benefits

Fellows will gain insight on research and discover possibilities for their own research ideas and get first-hand experience in the fields of preclinical services/infections:

  • Biomedical services: musculoskeletal regeneration
  • Biomechanics

Successful applicants will complete a total of four weeks in two institutes. The fellowship grant is CHF 4,000 as a lump sum to cover travel and lodging expenses for the four weeks. Each fellow is expected to send a final report on the fellowship to the AO Trauma Middle East and Northern Africa Research chairperson within one month after completing the visit.

Fellows can fine-tune and revise their own research proposals, get feedback from the experts at the host institutes, and prepare for grant submission. Submit your project proposal with your application and flesh out your project with inputs from experts.

Fellows will gain deep insight into ongoing musculoskeletal system research, get acquainted with research methods and techniques, and become part of an international network of researchers and research institutes. With this experience, they can gain a clearer view of their preferred research domains and where they can start or continue their research activities.

AO Trauma aims to identify young and interested AO Trauma members from Middle East and Northern Africa who participate in AO Trauma-funded research projects.


  • Enthusiastic researchers (age: younger than 45 years) with specific interest in trauma care
  • Surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, trauma surgeon, or surgeon in training
  • AO Trauma member residing in one of the AO Trauma Middle East and Northern Africa countries
  • Attended an AO Trauma Basic and Advanced Principles course
  • Initial experience with clinical and basic research activities; first authorship of a clinical or basic research article; or involvement in a project in the field of musculoskeletal trauma or diseases
  • Personal letter of application with argumentation of initiative and description of preferred professional career
  • Optional: Submit a project proposal; you can revise and rework on your proposal during your stay and get valuable feedback from the experts.

Interview date, Process and Venue

Possible fellowship periods

  • AO Research Institute Davos (ARI) all:
    May 27 – June 10, 2024
  • Julius Wolff Institute for Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Regeneration Berlin Institute of Health and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany:
    September 30 - October 13, 2024 
  • University Hospital of Zurich, Department of Trauma, Zurich, Switzerland:
    September 30 - October 13, 2024 
  • University of Leeds, Academic Department of Trauma, Leeds, United Kingdom:
    September 30 - October 13, 2024 

Application Deadline

May 3, 2024

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to AO on to apply

For more details, visit AO Foundation website.

0 Likes ,   160 Views,     May 01

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