StudyAbroadMate is no #1 online community for students that intends to study abroad. International students share information on how to get admission and study oversea. Each member has the right to ask any question related to studying abroad. Please read our terms of service below if you intend to use our service.
- You should be at least 13 years before you can signup on
- The use of multiple accounts is prohibited.
- Posting the copyrighted works of others without their legal consent is strictly prohibited. Any works posted in violation of these rights will be promptly removed and multiple violations may result in immediate account closure.
Disclaimer: You are solely responsible for anything that you publish on and you will be called to defend yourself if the need arises. We do not claim ownership of anything you publish on our website. We also do not guarantee security of what you publish on our website since is not possible to secure a public content on internet. Therefore you don't hold us responsible if your work gets infringed.
- The following sexual content is not allowed on, and will be removed:
Pornographic Content
Content encouraging or promoting non-consensual sex
Content intended solely for sexual roleplay or messaging
Content which encourage any other illegal sex acts, such as bestiality or necrophilia.
The following image is not allowed on, and will be removed:
Image containing full exposure of any private parts, such as genitalia, breasts and buttocks.
Image displaying sexual intercourse, or any other sexual act, regardless of whether private parts are visible.
Images of people posted without their consent, except for public figures and celebrities.
- Please use only the standard English language at all times when writing your content and make sure you place it on the correct category (Eg Schools, Admission etc)
- Also avoid any comments that will promote hatred, violence, or murder against any race, ethnic or religion group, gender, sexually orientation, person, etc.
- Please is not an avenue for you to attack your member or public fights.
- Please try to be nice and respectful to other members at all times.
- The invasion of another user's privacy is strictly prohibited.
- This terms of service was last edited 10/09/2023. We will notify you anytime we make changes to it
- If you have any question you may contact us.
Thanks a million!!!