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Michael Jacobs Travel Chronicle Scholarship 2024


In 2014, after the death of Michael Jacobs, the Gabo Foundation and the Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias took the initiative to organize the Michael Jacobs Scholarship for travel chronicles. This year, commemorating 10 years since the death of the English writer, a new edition of the call opens, which is financed by the Michael Jacobs Foundation for Travel Writing, a non-profit organization created by the widow and brother of Michael in order to honor his legacy and promote travel writing in Spain and Latin America.


The scholarship, which reaches its tenth edition with the purpose of encouraging travel writing, will award $10,000 for a travel book or article project about Latin America or Spain, to be published in Spanish or English.


The jury, which this year includes two new members, will take into account the narrative quality and journalistic depth of the projects when choosing the winner. For Michael Jacobs, travel journalism went beyond simple anecdotal experience and that is why works capable of awakening the five senses and opening the mind of any reader are sought.

Aim and Benefits 

The winner receives

The sum of $10,000 as an incentive to finance the research and writing of your article or book. The amount includes the taxes that must be paid by the beneficiary and the convening institutions. The scholarship will be awarded as follows: half ($5,000) when the winner is announced and the second half ($5,000) when the project is completed and delivered to the publisher for publication.

The winner will be invited to participate as a jury for the next edition of the Michael Jacobs Travel Chronicle Scholarship.


  • Journalists or writers of any nationality may apply, as long as their work addresses travel journalism in Latin America or Spain in Spanish or English.
  • An autobiography of maximum 800 words (in Spanish or English) describing your experience as a travel journalist and your motivation for applying for the scholarship. Conventional resumes or resumes will not be taken into account.
  • A detailed presentation of the project (article or book) including: project description, work schedule, and planned travel itinerary. The article or book must be written in Spanish or English. The project does not necessarily have to be finished, since the scholarship seeks to strengthen an ongoing project, but they must send at least a fragment of the work, since the jury must evaluate the author's narrative capacity.
  • A text published by the author in a printed or digital medium. The candidate must have at least one published article or book at the time of submitting the application.

Important: only online registrations made through the registration form on the Gabo Foundation website will be valid until Friday , December 15, 2023, at 11:59 pm (Colombian time).

Interview date, Process and Venue 

The official announcement of the winner will be made at the Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2024, which will take place from January 25 to 28.

Application Deadline

December 15, 2023

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to Gabo Foundation on to apply

To register for the Michael Jacobs Travel Chronicle Scholarship, follow the following steps:

1. Click on the fuchsia "Register me" button.

2. Log in to our application platform or, if you do not have an account yet, register with your email, Facebook or Google account

3. Fill out the form shown on the platform and attach the required documents mentioned in 'Requirements to apply'.

4. Click send.

For more detials visit: Gabo Foundation website.


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