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Flinders University 2023 CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarships

CSIRO’s Postgraduate Top-Up Scholarship Program provides opportunities in science and engineering for outstanding graduates at Australian tertiary institutions. 

Each year, the Program supports postgraduate scholarships for students to work on a project relevant to one of several priority research areas.

Students are co-supervised by researchers in an Australian university and CSIRO.

Postgraduate Top-Up Scholarships are available to PhD students who have gained (or are expected to gain) first or upper second-class honours or equivalent in relevant research areas.

Students must also expect to receive a Research Training Program scholarship (RTP) or equivalentscholarship commencing in the year of the CSIRO scholarship.


Aim and Benefits 

Vary depending on studentship opportunity. 



Recipients of postgraduate scholarships are generally required to be Australian Citizens or hold Permanent Residency status. However, in fields in which there is a national skill shortage, scholarships may be awarded to overseas candidates, provided they meet Department of Immigration and Citizenship policy guidelines. International students must be able to provide evidence of admission to an Australian university.


Application Deadline

November 1, 2023


How to Apply

Applications close on 1 November 2023. Please find more information and submit an application via CSIRO.

For more details, visit Flinders University website. 

3 Likes ,   309 Views,     Oct 11

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