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African Population And Health Research Center (APHRC) 2024 Mental Health Data Prize Africa

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) together with our partner, Wellcome, aims to drive a transformative change in areas related to anxiety, depression and psychosis. This Data Prize initiative aims to attract a critical mass of diverse African participants, who will subsequently be invited to participate in multidisciplinary projects to understand and to develop new solutions that can address mental health condition such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis and the related role of data or evidence in the process.

The project aims to understand what works in preventing, treating and managing anxiety, depression and psychosis and to drive a transformative change in the African context in ways prioritized by the people who experience these problems.

Aim and Benefits 

  • Funding for mental health research projects.
  • Capacity building in data science and mental health research.
  • Development of scalable and data-driven mental health solutions tailored to the African context.
  • Increased collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers.


Mental health researchers, scientists, and data scientists across Africa. 

Interview date, Process and Venue 


Applicants are selected through a competitive process involving:

  • Review of eligibility and selection criteria.
  • Selection panel and advisory board evaluation.
  • Multidisciplinary team formation and proposal development.
  • Final selection of 5 to 10 teams for the prize money.

Application Deadline

July 30, 2024

How to Apply

Applicants can apply by following the detailed instructions provided in the call for capacity-building program registration and the subsequent release of the RFP. Note that the detail descriptions of the RFP, the scope of the work, thematic areas, eligibility and evaluation criteria, review process, selection panel and notification of the award procedure will be communicated very soon.

For more details, visit APHRC website.

0 Likes ,   101 Views,     Jul 18

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