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Acorn Foundation Eva Trowbridge Scholarship 2025 at University of Waikato New Zealand

The Acorn Foundation Eva Trowbridge Scholarship was established to financially assist adult students (25 years and over) studying at the University of Waikato Tauranga Campus. Awards are made on academic merit, financial circumstances, leadership, and contribution to the community.

The Acorn Foundation, formed in 2003, is a charitable trust that connects generous people who care with causes that matter, forever. Funds received are invested in perpetuity, and the investment income is used to support community groups and provide scholarships. The Acorn Foundation Eva Trowbridge Scholarship was established in 2008 through a bequest. Eva Trowbridge was born in Sunderland, England and emigrated to New Zealand with her husband, Norman, in 1962. Eva did domestic cleaning at the Tauranga Hospital for 25 years. Norman was a painter for the Railways for many years and died in 1999 (aged 81 years). Eva was a quiet lady who loved everything about England. She was a staunch royalist and loved “red, white and blue”.

Aim and Benefits 

  • One Scholarship will be awarded each year and shall have a value of $5,000.
  • The value of the Scholarship may be pro-rated for students who are enrolled part-time over the tenure of Scholarship. The Scholarship will have a maximum tenure of one year.


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be 25 years of age or over; and
  • Be currently living in the areas administered by Tauranga City Council or Western Bay of Plenty District Council; and
  • Enrol at the University of Waikato Tauranga Campus.

Interview date, Process and Venue 

The Selection Panel will take academic merit, financial circumstances, leadership, and contribution to the community into consideration when selecting candidates.

The Selection Panel will be organised annually by the Acorn Foundation and may include any or all of the following:

  1. A representative of the Acorn Foundation (in Chair);
  2. The Tauranga Liaison Partnership Manager (or nominee); and
  3. The University of Waikato Associate Director Tauranga Student Services (or nominee).

The Selection Panel may refrain from making a recommendation if it finds no candidate of sufficient merit in that year. The Selection Panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into following the selection meeting.

Application Deadline

October 15, 2024

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to University of Waikato on to apply

  1. Read the guidelines

    Please ensure you read the regulations before you commence the application process.

  2. If you are new, complete an application to enrol

    You will need to do this BEFORE you can have access to apply for Scholarships and Awards.

    Application to enrol
  3. Apply using MyWaikato

    Once you have an account, log into MyWaikato and click on the ‘Scholarships’ tab to see the list of available scholarships

    Apply now

Note: If you are a current student or already have a University of Waikato account you will be redirected to the MyWaikato screen. Log in to MyWaikato, select the ‘Scholarships’ tab and choose the scholarship you wish to apply for from the list at the bottom of the page.

Reference Request

Applicants will need to contact their referees, request a reference be sent to them directly, and upload the references into their online application before submitting the application.

For more details visit: University of Waikato website.

0 Likes ,   179 Views,     Jul 19

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