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190 Best Engineering Schools In The World 2023

Do you wish to study engineering but don't know which universities have the best engineering programs? This article on 190 best engineering schools, is an exhaustive directory of the best universities in the world to study various fields of engineering.

We have high ranking engineering universities from various countries in the world like the USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, India, Ireland, etc. and have done well to place them by order of the best ones to acquire a degree in any field of engineering you can imagine.

Looking for where to study computer, robotics, environmental, or automobile engineering? You will find a university for it here.

Article Guide: 

1. 5 reasons why you should become an engineer

2. How to become an engineer

3. 10 Best Colleges For Computer Engineering 

5 Reasons Why You Should Become An Engineer

Engineering isn't just the most sought after field in the world, it is also one of the most relevant and essential to society. 

Most of the things today that contribute to the general productivity of the world's population, as well as convenience, are all products of engineering. 

If you were playing around with the idea of becoming an engineer, but wasn't too sure why you should do it, here are 5 reasons why you should (definitely) become an engineer:

1. You Can Solve Complex Problems Creatively

Engineers know how to use their problem-solving skills to improve products or processes, or create new ones, and this will require a lot of creativity. 

It is an engineer's creativity and imagination that went into the development of most products like - pharmaceuticals, iPods, roads, computers, and other equipment.

 2. Job Availability

Besides engineering being one field that will continue to remain relevant till the end of time, being an engineer also opens you up to lots of job opportunities in different sectors that aren't even related to engineering like media and communications, health, agriculture, and every other field in the world.

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