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IJP German-Latin American Fellowship 2024

Since 1997, the German-Latin American Fellowship of IJP offers young journalists the unique opportunity to spend two months in a Spanish-, Portuguese- or German-speaking media. At least five young talented German and six Latin-American journalists get the chance to discover the diversity of their host countries. The Germans might not only choose from the new and old Global Players Brazil, Argentina or Mexico. The countries of Central America as well as Venezuela - just to name a few - have as many fascinating stories in the area of economics, politics and culture to offer. The programme invites as well journalists from all countries of South and Central America, who want to work for two months in a German mostly Berlin-based media.

Aim and Benefits 

For journalists from Latin America, the scholarship consists of 4,000 euros. Of this, 3,500 euros will be paid at the beginning of the scholarship and the remaining 500 euros upon submission of a journal-istic report on the scholarship.

This money will be used to cover all basic travel expenses, i.e. airfare, transportation, accommodation and meals.

The IJP is not responsible for any extra expenses. Only the accommodation during the introductory seminar and the one-week mid-term trip to Germany will be covered by the IJP. Journalistic work performed as part of the fellowship program will not be remu-nerated by the organization.


The application must include:

A letter from the candidates in German (preferred), English (second preference), maximum 3,500 characters with spaces, explaining three things: reasons for participating in the program, interest in Germany, and preferred media outlet to be used for the stay (the IJP reserves the right to accommodate fellows in other media, should the preference not be available. Berlin newsrooms only). TV journalists must also explain how they intend to technically and logistically realize their productions from Ger-many. The IJP or German newsrooms are not able to meet any technical requirements for television productions.

A curriculum vitae in German (preferred) or English (second preference), with date of birth, address, private and office telephone number with country code, e-mail address. The professional and linguistic skills required for the scholarship must be demonstrated. You must attach proof of 

The professional and linguistic skills required for the scholarship must be demonstrated. Proof of lan-guage skills (diplomas, certificates, etc.) must be attached. In addition, the embassy staff will give the candidates a speaking test and, if necessary, the IJP coordination reserves the right to request a video or video call in the language the candidates claim to speak.

Three current articles or reports from the candidates that demonstrate their professional ability. In the case of TV or Radio, transcripts of television or radio work must be submitted. In addition, a link to the website where the work is hosted could be sent.

Three proposals of topics that can be investigated during the stay in which the scholarship program is carried out. Each topic should be no longer than 600 characters with spaces.

A letter of recommendation (in Spanish is fine) from the editor or section head of the media outlet where the candidate works or collaborates. This should include a description of the journalist's profes-sional qualifications and explicit permission for the applicant to participate in the program for two months.

Interview date, Process and Venue 


The deadline for application to the program is December 17, 2023. Those who advance in the applica-tion phases will be invited for an interview at the German embassy in their respective country. Accept-ed applicants will be notified in the course of February.

The official start of the fellowship will be at the end of April with an introductory seminar from April 27 to May 1, 2024, and another on the weekend of June 29-30, 2024, both in Berlin. Attendance at the seminars is mandatory for both Latin and German fellows. The two-month fellowship will be held between May and June 2024. It is planned that at mid-term the Goethe-Institut will organize a one-week trip to two or three cities in Germany exclusively for Latinos. The trip will be funded by the IJP, attendance is also mandatory and must take priority over any fellows' projects.

The German fellows will spend their time in Latin America between July and September.

Application Deadline

December 17, 2023

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to International Journalists' Programmes (IJP) on to apply

Those interested in the IJP program should send their application via e-mail with a single PDF docu-ment to the German embassy of the applicant's home country. We recommend to ask at these places for the person in charge of receiving IJP applications. They are usually the Culture and/or Press Atta-chés. Any application that is not sent to these recipients will not be considered.

Incomplete applications will be rejected.

For more details visit: IJP website.

0 Likes ,   196 Views,     Dec 06

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